Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Reimagine Your Brand’s Image by Outsourcing Contact Centers

Many companies waste a lot of effort in trying to run in-house call centers and do not get the results they so desperately desire. Oftentimes, this is not a result of any lack of their efforts. Mostly, it is the lack of their experience in this unfamiliar domain, which prevents them from fully exploiting their customer-facing endeavors. Also, it needs to be understood by companies that the world is changing and we are at a juncture where technology rules the roost. Technologies especially IT has created new channels of communication, which are preferred by many users over the traditional call centers. Email support, chat support, social media communication platforms, online forums and several other new virtual channels form an integral part in the modern-day B2B and B2C interactions. Therefore, outsourcing contact centers by companies has become a common trend.

Contact Center Services

Outsourcing Contact Center vs. In-Housing Contact Center

For many companies, running a simple call center is a great responsibility. Add to that the new burden of managing several different channels/departments, and the task begins to appear even more daunting. Below is a comparison of running an in-house vs. outsourcing contact center:
·         In-house contact centers require that you procure the right skills, software and resources for all channels. Outsourcing contact centre gets you immediate access to all the resources.
·         There are several major investments in an in-house operation. In contrast, outsourcing contact centers require you to make periodic payments.
·         If the in-house contact center fails, then your capital investments can be hard to recoup. But, even if the outsourcing venture goes bad, you don’t have to worry financially.
·         You are more secure with your data when you employ an in-house contact center. outsourcing contact center to a random vendor can be a weak point as far as data security is concerned.
From the above comparison, it is very clear that outsourcing call center can be a much better option. It also does not burden you with new liabilities and you are able to maintain your focus on core operations. However, data security can be a cause of concern, especially if the vendor is not well-known. But this weak point can be eliminated by partnering with an experienced and reputed call center company like Vcare.

Advantages of Partnering with Experienced Outsourcing Contact Center

It could be hard for you to get over the predicament of choosing a contact center outsourcing partner. But the moment you find the one who is right for you, you are able to tap into the many advantages it provides:
Equal or better data security
An experienced vendor with a reputation to save will administer much better security measures to prevent data breaches. As it already has many clients, it would know about the major security vulnerabilities, which will allow it to protect your data better.
Best contact center tools
Running a contact center can become a simple task if you have the right tools. A reputed outsourcing contact centers service provider like Vcare has the best CRM, IVR, ACD and other essential contact center tools. Not only that, it also has the workforce that already has long-term hand-on experience on these tools.
Complete scalability
Business operations can ramp up or down in scale at just about any time. In such situations, if you do not have the right amount of people in your contact center project, then it can lead to major problems. For example, if the number of employees is more than the requirement, then you have to pay extra salaries. And if the number of employees is less than what is needed, then you risk long queues and high call abandonment rate.
At Vcare, we offer completely scalable outsourcing contact center services and implement the best security measures to prevent data breaches. We are 24x7 operational and can help you reimagine your brand’s image with our world-class services.